Madison, aka Maddy, was my first Parelli level's partner and the one I call my "spirit" horse.  Maddy is a special "one in a million" horse.  Maddy lived to 30 years old.

Mystical has a super fun personality.  He's dominant with a big play drive and is mostly blind in one eye.  After being declared "ruined" he was given to me in 2003.  He's recently become my primary levels horse.

I got Angel in 2006 so Maddy could retire.  She's an LBE with strong RBI tendencies.  She's been a great teacher for me.  Angel brought me through most of level 4.  She is now my daughter's horse.

I met Ole' during my externship at Parelli's.  He was on my string of horses to play with and I fell in love with him.  He came home with me in October 2009. 

I got Khaleil when he was only 3 months old and did all his training.  I've now gifted him to my husband, Mike, and the two are great trail partners!

I adopted Sir Francis into the family in late 2019.  He is my new teaching partner.